Symposium on statewide bee monitoring projects


We hosted a symposium at the 2023 meeting of the Entomological Society of America called “Using Statewide Surveys to Assess the Conservation Status of US Pollinators”. The symposium was co-organized by Bryan Danforth of Cornell University and Brianne Du Clos and Hollis Woodard of the University of California, Riverside.

Speakers were:
Lincoln Best, Oregon State University
Katie Burns, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Division of Fish and Wildlife
Bryan Danforth, Cornell University
Karen Goodell, The Ohio State University
James Hung, The University of Oklahoma
Michael Ivie, Montana State University
CK Pei, University of North Dakota
Jessica Peterson, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Ellen Silva, Oregon Bee Atlas
Nash Turley, Penn State University
Karen Wright, Washington State Department of Agriculture
Tracy Zarrillo, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Recorded presentations from many of these speakers can be found HERE.

WorkshopBrianne Du Clos